Tuesday, February 9, 2016

week 1 posts

A hazard is a unavoidable natural process (i.e. earthquakes) that is a potential threat to human life and property.
A disaster is a hazardous event occurring over a specific area, often suddenly causing a great loss of life and damage (i.e. tornado).
And catastrophes is a massive disaster requiring a large amount of money and time to recover (i.e. hurricanes).
While a hazard may be considered a great threat it is a small magnitude of natures natural processes. Increasing hazards, causing more damage and affecting more area is considered a disaster. A catastrophe is considered a massive widespread disaster affecting countless lives, and property creating extensive damage.
Taking a quick look into Egypt's natural hazards I found a few it encounters are earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, drouths and volcanic eruptions. In January of this year Gaza experience flooding due to heavy rains.

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