Friday, February 19, 2016


Egypt is described as low seismicity, however, does have a history of damaging earthquakes. Egypt's geological makeup suggest probability of large earthquakes. As you can see on the image above along the east coast of Egypt runs a strike-slip fault where the African plate and the Arabian plate are separating.  Also along the northern border in the Mediterranean Sea there is a trust fault where the African continent and the Eurasian continent collide. 

Due to the probability of earthquakes Egypt has implemented many strategies to minimize earthquake catastrophes. One application is their Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Approach(PSHA) which calculates different tectonic regimes to determine ground motion in Egypt (pictured to the top right).
Egypt also uses disaster management during before and after a hazard has occurred (pictured to the right). 

Other strategies include  structure codes and regulations, warning systems, and campaign awareness every year. 



  1. Very interesting! I didn't know they were described as low seismicity. Even with low seismicity it's great that they have various strategies to prevent earthquake catastrophes!

  2. Wow I never knew that Egypt has a strike-slip fault. It's also cool to learn that Egypt had campaign awareness every year.

  3. Hi!great post but I cannot see the images....maybe it is just me?...thank you for showing us what Egypt can do.
