Friday, April 15, 2016

Egypt's heatwaves

What is a heatwave? A heatwave is a prolong period of extreme heat. Usually a heatwave lasts anywhere from 2-3 days and persists through the night. Common symptoms people experience during a heatwave include; dizziness, headache and fainting. In extreme cases some people experience heat exhaustion or heat stroke. This occurs after a person stops perspiring. And can lead to lose of consciousness. This has dangerous effects on the brain and can cause death.
Egypt is a dessert and no stranger to heat waves. Just last year in the middle of August 2015 Egypt experienced a heat wave for 3 days. During this time temperatures rose above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Within these three days a total of 61 deaths and 581 hospitalized.

“Egypt Heatwave leaves 61 People Dead.” BBC News. BBC, 12 Aug. 2015. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.

Harmon, Katherine. “How Does a  Heat Wave Affect The Human Body?” Scientific America. Scientific America, a Division of Nature America. Inc. 23 July 2010. Web. 14 April. 2016.

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  1. Egypt must have some of the highest heat temperatures and that is probably due to the fact that it is placed in a big desert. The high death toll of 61 last year can be attributed to the high temperatures, dry air and dehydration that is un avoidable. The country of El Salvador usually experience high temperatures from January through May, that at its peak can reach up to 96 degrees F. Additionally, I can also imagine that Egypt's crops must suffer extremely and they probably have to import most of their food. Good post.

  2. I chose to read your blog because I was curious as to what Egypt's weather is like year round. I figured that it is mainly extreme hot weather. I find it very interesting reading about your country weather. However i was not aware as how insane the temperatures are and the problems it causes people. Heat exhaustion is a serious thing and hopefully they have good facilities to care for those in need.

  3. The warming of temps will make most countries have to deal with these heat events more and more frequently...I wonder how we'll adapt to it...
