Friday, April 15, 2016

Egypt's heatwaves

What is a heatwave? A heatwave is a prolong period of extreme heat. Usually a heatwave lasts anywhere from 2-3 days and persists through the night. Common symptoms people experience during a heatwave include; dizziness, headache and fainting. In extreme cases some people experience heat exhaustion or heat stroke. This occurs after a person stops perspiring. And can lead to lose of consciousness. This has dangerous effects on the brain and can cause death.
Egypt is a dessert and no stranger to heat waves. Just last year in the middle of August 2015 Egypt experienced a heat wave for 3 days. During this time temperatures rose above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Within these three days a total of 61 deaths and 581 hospitalized.

“Egypt Heatwave leaves 61 People Dead.” BBC News. BBC, 12 Aug. 2015. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.

Harmon, Katherine. “How Does a  Heat Wave Affect The Human Body?” Scientific America. Scientific America, a Division of Nature America. Inc. 23 July 2010. Web. 14 April. 2016.

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